Award And Achievement

Certificate Of Recognition PT.Nusa Raya Cipta1 From Kejayan Factory

Certificate Of Recognition PT.Nusa Raya Cipta From Kejayan Factory

Award Charter of PT. Nusa Raya Cipta1 As A Company Ordered Jamsostek Program

Award Charter From Jamsostek

AKI Contruction Awards 2006 PT. Nusa Raya Cipta1 from Manhattan Hotel

AKI Contruction Awards 2006

Nil Accident Awards PT. Nusa Raya Cipta1 from the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration RI

Certificate from the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration RI

PT. Nusa Raya Cipta1 as National Standard of Indonesia SNI Participant SNI Award 2008 from BSN

Certificate SNI Award 2008 from BSN

7 th Winner The Best Ten Consultant Contractor in Indonesia Award PT Nusa Raya Cipta1

7 th Winner The Best Ten Consultant Contractor in Indonesia