The Company is committed to implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to develop society through community development and empowerment in the Company’s business unit neighborhood.

As a business entity, we have implemented CSR management based on prevailing law and regulation as mandated in Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company where the social and environmental responsibility has become commitment of the Company to participate in sustainable economy development.


The Company has allocated CSR budget annually to support sustainable CSR program. In 2018, the Company allocated CSR program budget of Rp55.9 million or increased 55.28% from Rp36 million in 2017. The Company upholds the commitment that the CSR budget allocation will be increased in the future to give benefit for the society in the head office or project area.

CSR program that is implemented by the Company complies to the prevailing regulation for public companies that includes Environment Conservation, Social and Community Development, Occupational Health and Safety and Consumer Protection aspects.


The Company always concerns environmental issues and impacts from all project and operational activities of the Company as manifestation of corporate social responsibility in environment conservation aspect. Therefore, the Company is committed to always complies with prevailing regulation in conducting the social responsibility programs. Initiative to operate an eco-friendly business is conducted through monitoring and evaluation upon all negative impacts to the environment caused by the Company’s operational activity.

In 2018, the Company has conducted environment conservation program, including reforestation in the project area, project waste treatment properly according to prevailing regulation by classifying waste based on environment management system.


The Company treats the society as an integrated part of the Company’s long-term success. Anywhere the Company’s working unit is operated, the Company always engages in good relationship and respect local values of the surrounding society as well as participate in the community development initiative. The Company also participates the surrounding community to grow and develop altogether with the Company.

In 2018, the Company continued various Social and Community Development activities as well as CSR program focusing on educational aspect in cooperation with schools (Vocational Schools – SMK) and Universities to offer opportunity for the SMK students for Field Work (PKL) and university students to participate in internship or final assignment writing.

In 2018, the Company allocated CSR budget for YPAC Jakarta workshop of Rp5,000,000. The Company also participates in Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Social Charity in Palu, Central Sulawesi amounted Rp 5,000,000 initiated by IDX, KSEI, KEPI and OJK. In addition, the Company also allocated CSR budget for Ping-Pong Sport Club Facilities of Rp 45,900,000. Allocation of the Company’s CSR budget in 2018 is also dedicated for transportation and meal allowance for internship students in the Company.


The Company believes that employees are our main assets that shall be treated with excellent service in fulfilling their rights to contribute optimally and maintain the Company’s existence. Therefore, the Company pays great concern and high commitment to improve professionalism of the employees as well as provide appropriate compensation and benefit.

In the aspect of manpower, the Company always pays attention to Law No. 13 regarding Manpower which is a reference for all of the Company’s employment policies such as drinking wages, old age savings programs, etc. Likewise, the Occupational Safety and Health aspect is a serious concern of the Company in realizing safety and safety in the work environment by implementing the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) as well as the Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Construction Project Companies

On employment aspect, the Company always complies with Law No. 13 on Employment as reference of all employment policy in the Company, such as minimum wage, pension insurance program and other programs. Similarly with Occupational Safety and Health aspects as major concern of the Company to establish security and safety in the working environment by implementing Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3) as well as Occupational Safety and Health Guideline for Construction Project Company.

To support conducive working environment, the Company attempts to create safety and convenience working condition and environment for the employees. The Company protects the employees from any threat possibility that may harm occupational safety and health. The Company is also committed to establish a working environment that is free from any abuse and guarantees that there is no abuse or violence in the working environment. The Company conducts employee satisfaction survey regularly in the effort to measure employee satisfaction.

To guarantee Human Rights, the Company respects freedom of the employee to unite and express opinion and free from any discrimination based on ethnicity, skin color, gender and religious as well as other aspects. The Company stipulates remuneration, provides training, determine career path, participate in the education and training as well as stipulate other working requirements objectively without any discrimination. In 2018, the Company also gave donation for employees who were under grievance/ disaster valued Rp6,750,000 as manifestation of concern and affection from the Company.


The Company considers customer satisfaction as a fundamental and important factors. Therefore, the Company always prioritizes satisfaction and trust of the customers by delivering service with excellent quality, and innovative solution for the customers based on their needs.

Quality of products and services provided to the customers becomes minimum service standard that shall be achieve in every implemented project. Therefore, every complaint from the customers will be processed professionally through a formal and transparent mechanism. The Company has provided communication channel for the customers including via email, mail box, call center and other channels. Suggestion from the customers will be further used as consideration in implementing customer relation management strategy to satisfy the customer’s needs and expectation as well as future improvement.